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" ; } else { someone_open = true ; } if ( document.data_passer.sac_sales_open.value == 0 ) { display_hours_open = display_hours_open + document.data_passer.sac_sales_hrs.value + "\r\n"; document.getElementById('SALES_CLOSED').innerHTML = "
Sales is currently closed." + " Sales Chat Hours " ; } else { someone_open = true ; } } // if SAC else { if ( document.data_passer.kc_care_open.value == 0 ) { display_hours_open = display_hours_open + document.data_passer.kc_care_hrs.value + "\r\n"; document.getElementById('CARE_CLOSED').innerHTML = " Customer Service is currently closed. " + "Customer Service Chat Hours

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" ; } else { someone_open = true ; } if ( document.data_passer.kc_sales_open.value == 0 ) { display_hours_open = display_hours_open + document.data_passer.kc_sales_hrs.value + "\r\n"; document.getElementById('SALES_CLOSED').innerHTML = "
Sales is currently closed. " + "Sales Chat Hours " ; } else { someone_open = true ; } } // if KC if ( someone_open == false ) { alert ( "Currently all Consolidated Communications chat support is closed. \r\n" + display_hours_open ) ; document.getElementById('form_button').style.visibility='hidden'; } if ( document.frm_goto_chat_system.client_browser.value.indexOf("APPLEWEBKIT") > 0 ) { tmp1 = "Consolidated Communications Chat is optimized for use with Internet Explorer and Firefox. " + "You can still chat but you will need to enable your caps lock for a better experience. " + "Sorry for any inconvenience. \r\n\r\n-" ; alert( tmp1 ) ; } return return_code ; } function validate_form() { return_code = true ; //alert(document.frm_goto_chat_system.kc_care_queue.value); // - remove spaces document.frm_goto_chat_system.UNAME.value = trim( document.frm_goto_chat_system.UNAME.value ) ; document.frm_goto_chat_system.UEMAIL.value = trim( document.frm_goto_chat_system.UEMAIL.value ) ; document.frm_goto_chat_system.UPHONE.value = trim( document.frm_goto_chat_system.UPHONE.value ) ; document.frm_goto_chat_system.ACCOUNTID.value = trim( document.frm_goto_chat_system.ACCOUNTID.value ) ; // - format check document.frm_goto_chat_system.UPHONE.value = return_num_only( document.frm_goto_chat_system.UPHONE.value ) ; document.frm_goto_chat_system.ACCOUNTID.value= return_num_only( document.frm_goto_chat_system.ACCOUNTID.value ) ; return_alert_text = "Please enter the following: \r\n"; //alert("in function - validate_form "); if (document.frm_goto_chat_system.UNAME.value.length < 3 ) { return_alert_text = return_alert_text + "* your name \r\n"; 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return str; } // function //pads right String.prototype.rpad = function(padString, length) { var str = this; while (str.length < length) str = str + padString; return str; } // function function trim(stringToTrim) { return stringToTrim.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,""); } // function function get_radio_value() { //alert ( " length= " + document.frm_goto_chat_system.WG.length ) ; for (var i=0; i < document.frm_goto_chat_system.WG.length; i++) { // alert ( i + " | " + document.frm_goto_chat_system.WG.length ) ; if (document.frm_goto_chat_system.WG[i].checked) { var rad_val = document.frm_goto_chat_system.WG[i].value; } } // for loop return rad_val ; } // function //-------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //-------------------------------------------------------------- function CheckMessages() { if (typeof document.frm_goto_chat_system.WG[0] == 'undefined' ) { routing1 = document.frm_goto_chat_system.WG.value } else { routing1 = get_radio_value() ; } //alert ( "ROUTING1 = " + routing1) ; 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